We are delighted to welcome Lucy Selman back for a yoga retreat which she will run jointly with Shanti - the winning combination from the first ever yoga holiday at Shanticentre! Enjoy the benefits of yoga tuition from two great teachers with complemetary styles and backgrounds.

Yoga Lila (Lucy Selman)

Lucy has been practicing yoga since 2001, initially exploring Astanga Vinyasa and Shadow yoga before training to teach at the Sivananda ashram in Kerala, India, in 2004. She has been teaching ever since, focusing on classes for small groups and individual tuition.

In 2006 Lucy studied Svastha yoga, yoga therapy and Ayurveda with AG Mohan and Indra Mohan, senior students of Sri Krishnamacharya, and continues to study with them in India and Europe.

The yoga that Lucy teaches is rooted in their authentic and holistic teachings, incorporating asana (physical postures), pranayama (breathwork) and meditation. Lucy has also completed the Life Centre Yoga Therapy Foundation course, and studied with many gifted teachers including Donna Farhi, Rod Stryker, Doug Keller and Kate Ellis.

Yoga with Shanti

Set in the beautiful Conicella valley with green Abruzzo hills rolling the distance, Shanticentre yoga classes respectfully suit the mood evoked by the natural scenery.

The classes start gently and move into more advanced poses as the body opens up making them suitable for all levels and all bodies. Deep relaxation, breathing and meditation are also taught to give an integral understanding of this ancient tradition we allow ourselves to explore over the week.

Stephanie Shanti has been practising yoga since she was 20 and teaching since 2000. She trained at the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre in Montreal, Canada and has taught classes to a wide variety of clients including children, families, patients in rehabilitation, the elderly and those with special needs.

She has studied many forms of yoga including Sivananda, Integral, Iyengar and Astanga and is qualified in Thai Yoga, Swedish and Indian Head massage. Her classes focus strongly on the importance of breathing through the yoga poses to cleanse toxins from muscles and internal organs whilst maintaining good alignment and control to reduce the risk of injury and stress to the body.

Relaxation is integral to her approach both during the poses and at the end of the practice. The result is increased motivation and stamina, improved internal and external muscle tone and acceptance of the body as it is with an overwhelming sense of inner peace and strength.

Included in your holiday price